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What's happened to Love?

April 3rd, 2010

I may be getting on but my heart is still young and once in a while I don’t act my age and go out to a club with the hope of having a good dance and a drink, of course. Last night, something that occurred to me that I have thought about before. It struck me that nobody plays slow songs anymore. I remember as a teenager, waiting for the slow jam so I could get close to some ‘lucky chick’. I think we called a waltz. What ever happened to that?

When I thought of that, I also noticed the lack of snogging going on in the club. Ye Gods, growing up, all the dark and nearly dark corners of a nightclub were taken up by couples sucking each others’ faces off. That’s where you went to get a kiss and a cuddle. There are occasionally one or two love birds about but not anything like I remember. Maybe says something about what I was doing as a teenager?

I have teenage daughters and one who’s made it past the teenage years and I am not sure that any of them have been ‘in love’. Yes, they have had boyfriends but still. When I was going out with a girl, we were nearly always together. Usually I was getting under the feet of her parents on a regular (read daily) basis.

I have come to the conclusion that love as I know it has changed. Something in the youngsters of today that I suspect make them more cynical about romance. What a pity because nothing, yes nothing, feels like that infatuation love that just sets you heart and ‘loins’ on fire.

May you find the balance.

[First published on my Talking2Myself blog on specified date]