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"Vote Clegg, get Brown."

April 20th, 2010

Here is one of the reasons why 'elections' don't work for many people. When the leader of a party is urging voters to use tactical voting to elect them or to 'keep someone out of office' (Here’s what Labour can do about the Lib Dem dilemma), it would appear to me that my vote does not count for much in the grand scheme of things. What if I do like Clegg and genuinely want him to win, how do I do that without voting for him?

The shocking prospect is that Gordon Brown could come third and still emerge with the most seats, sailing back into Downing Street as unelected as ever he was is why sometimes we, the dissatisfied electorate, say ‘None of the Above’. See commentary Blank votes would reform democracy.

[First published on my NotTheNews blog on specified date]