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There's Snow News Like Snow News

February 2nd, 2009

I can't even be bothered to provide links to any snow stories; every single UK new source is carrying it. I won't even go into how a Northern European country fails year after year to be prepared for a bit of snow. This weather is like manna from heaven for the news gathers of our society as they are scratching the bottom of the barrel to give us any descent local news. Don't believe me? Well another thing I learnt from the news today is that following on from Blue Monday (see Blue Monday Blues ), that the first Monday in February has been dubbed National Sickie Day and is statistically the worst day for absenteeism in the UK (see http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/uk/It39s-unhappy-Monday-and-economic.4935004.jp).

Well I didn't call in sick but I did head for the homestead around lunchtime because of the double worry that I would be stuck in that good for nothing small town I have the misfortune to work and secondly, the high chances that at peak go home time, some prat is going to overturn a lorry or run into one and cause every other person on the planet a lot of pain! With the chance it may not clear up tomorrow, I may call in sick since I missed the boat today! Happy snowing.

[First published on my NotTheNews blog on specified date]