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These teenagers will take care of business...

November 20th, 2008

"Teenagers 'optimistic about jobs', 90% felt they would find work and more than half rejected the idea of signing on." (Teenagers 'optimistic about jobs'). Well we have been telling them for years to 'fulfill your destiny', 'stand up for yourself' and 'you can do it', should we be surprised?

I had to smile at the quote from Martina Milburn, Prince's Trust chief executive "... if we stop believing in young people, young people will stop believing in themselves". Having teenagers of my own, I can say that this new generation is a different bunch and whether we believe in them or not, they are going to do things differently and better than most of us did. I see them and hear them every day, those considered disadvantaged - single parent families, inner city living teenagers, taking care of business.

All we have to do is help them along their way - look after the planet, remove the barriers that unnecessarily kill the human spirit and watch these guys go.

[First published on my NotTheNews blog on specified date]